Monday, July 30, 2012

How to make a more eye popping lolita outfit

Want to make your lolita coord. stand out?
Not sure how to match and or style to create the perfect outfit?
Here are some quick tips to get you started~!
(nothing too out there, just other ways to match)
Pick a focal point of your outfit:
A specific dress, an awesome hat, or fantastic shoes
Find a color that is in the print of the dress, or color in the hat, or shoes
(it's more fun to pick a color that is not primary, like blue details on a purple dress)
Next, make sure you balance the color throughout the outfit
For example: My sugary carnival coord. (black jsk)
involved using blue and yellow as focal points.
(To start out just try one color)
To break my outfit into one color try:
(black jsk- with blue details
blue blouse
blue bow- off set by black wig
blue shoes
black socks
blue purse)
Very simple, and adds some pop to your conventional all matching outfit~!
Another simple way is to have the hair accessory match a color in the print, 
which then you add matching shoes~!
If you have any questions on how to match outfits feel free to comment below~!
Thanks for reading~!