Sunday, April 18, 2010

Capsule: Maki from Angelic Pretty loves them, you should too!

Shortly after Maki and Asuka's
first visit to America I quickly found out that
one of the bands they played while people were shopping
in the magical boutique was Capsule.
If you've never heard of Capsule well now you have!
The music is electronic, cute, and well sparkly..if that make any sense
I can't help but feel ready to strut my poof down the street
whenever I listen to them!
Their newer albums are very heavily electronic, well
what I mean is very harsh techo that is more rave,
while their older albums are very 60s influenced and seem reminiscent of
trips to Paris and London.

I highly recommend their Fruits Clipper album for their older techo sound
and Phony Phonic for the 60s vibe.

Check them out and let me know what you think!

(It's Spring Time, hence the bunny! Go out and have a picnic!)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mori Girl inspired Hair-do

I have to admit even though I'm a sweet lolita I do love other fashion styles, mainly I love Spank/fairykei and you guessed it Mori Girl!
After having a horrible headache I decided to try a mori girl inspired hair style. It is really simple cause I never take too long to do my hair. 3 little braids and 2 puffy pigtails!

Jello Has Arrived!

When I first saw Angelic Pretty's Jewelry Jelly it was love at first site. I kept thinking Hello J-E-L-L-O! I managed to order the lavender fully shirred jsk and the matching pink socks! I ordered them from starrycandybox and they were AMAZING to work with!
Sadly the package is at my house (I'm currently living in my apartment at college)
so I haven't opened the box yet, but maybe I'll make a cute video for all of you to
see it up close for all the cute details!

Also, anyone going to the oneesan event? It looks amazing!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I'm a giant cupcake!!!

So Easter weekend I took pictures with my friend
for the Tokyo Rebel Contest, but
the photos needed to be 8 mega pixels
and her camera is only 7.1.

At least the pictures are still cute!

Outfit rundown:
Headbow: Angelic Pretty
JSK: Angelic Pretty "Magic Whip"
Blouse: K-mart
Socks: Angelic Pretty
Shoes: Secret Shop

Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My name is Brittany and I love sweet lolita fashion. Angelic Pretty is my favorite brand, even though I really like Btssb and Metamorphose. This blog is just random things about my life and lolita. So.....since I read a lot of lolita blogs I've noticed I really like pictures of the writer or their lolita items so I'll try to have lots of pictures!
On to the pictures!